An Intersectional Approach to Creating a
Culture of Belonging at Work

Most of us believe inclusion is both the right thing to do and good for business. Then why are we so terrible at it? If we believe in the morality and the profitability of including people of diverse and underestimated backgrounds, why don't we do it? Because inclusion takes awareness, intention and regular practice. Inclusion doesn't just happen; we have to work at it. Read this book to learn cutting-edge inclusion best practices. It's for all leaders and organizations to meaningfully promote inclusion, diversity and equity.
Inclusion on Purpose centers the workplace experience of women of color! Let's banish the idea of the “level playing field” and learn how to use your privilege for good by identifying and exposing bias. "Leaning in” doesn't work but dismantling structural bias does. To make progress toward inclusion and diversity—start now. Here's how.